If you are reading this post, nearly for sure, you have an AWS account.
The most default way to interact with the AWS products is over the Web AWS console, which is reachable over https://signin.aws.amazon.com
There are some other ways to access your AWS products like EC2 or S3 over the command line from any system or distribution of your choice.
OpenSUSE unattended upgrades
I was looking around to find something similar to perform update-automation on openSUSE distribution, just like in Debian GNU Linux.
Some pretty way, without hacking a bash script and adding it to the cron…
It seems, there is a build in solution which is unfortunately configurable out of YaST2.
Install YaST2 module:
Packaging with FPM
If you ever tried to package a simple application with the native rpmbuild, you may know, what a pain it could be.
Writing of a spec file, understand the errors and the different build-stages. Automation and deployment can be simple and without additional overhead.
This way will work like s charm from the first try :-)
Build RPM package
To speed up some work processes with a single RPM package will bring more flexibility than deployment of single files/directories across different systems. Also a possibility to upgrade the installations without tracking of file versions over different systems.
This example will describe how to package a example script into a RPM package.
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WP-CLI is the command-line interface for WordPress. You can update plugins, configure multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser. Also you can use wp-cli for cron automations.
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