UnattendedUpgrades is since Debian 9 a part of default installation.
Only with graphical desktop environment, its activated by default.
For server systems, the following basic configuration is required:
UnattendedUpgrades is since Debian 9 a part of default installation.
Only with graphical desktop environment, its activated by default.
For server systems, the following basic configuration is required:
Gnome-Pie is a really cool app launcher with high usability.
Forgot the stupid search of your favorite application, create your own pies and choose them by a simple hot-key. [Read more…]
In the last time I get a lot questions and feedback to some older posts (Active/Passive Cluster) where I used DRBD. And actually I never wrote how to setup DRBD and I try to fill this gap now. Also this post will be a new ground for some new ideas and posts related to Active/Passive Clustering with KVM.
DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device) is a really cool cluster solution to have radundant data on two or more nodes. Everybody know RAID, DRBD is like RAID 1 over network.
[Read more…]
On June 8, 2011 was world IPv6 day and I shared some VPS boxes. Only one guy wants Ubuntu 11.04 – no problem he get it.
I was painfully remembered that Ubuntu.com has still some problems with AAAA record for security.ubuntu.com… They have no records:) [Read more…]
Some days ago I wrote a similar post about nagios and lighty, now I decided to test Icinga on Debian Squeeze.
The installation was pretty easy:
1 2 | aptitude install lighttpd aptitude install icinga |
aptitude install lighttpd aptitude install icinga
To use Icinga we need following modules: