For a couple of Linux/Unix systems I run daily backup over rsync.
The filesets are nearly static, so the the backup duration is nearly identical each day. Between 22 and 30 minutes for 21-systems. But there are also days, with a longer backup durations.
Time Machine Backup to Samba
Time Machine is a backup utility developed by Apple. It is included in Mac OS X since MAC OS X version 10.5 alias “Leopard”. The software is designed to work with the Time Capsule as well as other internal or external drives.
Only with this trick [Read more…]
World Backup Day!
31st March has been declared to World Backup Day please remember to ensure your files are backed up
Some stuff written by myself about backup different stuff:
Create Backups with tartarus
MySQL Dump
Backup your MBR
Rsync Server
Courtesy of:
Rsync Server
Another different method to create your backups over network, a client data establish a connection to a rsync daemon server.
I describe a simple method without authentication (trusted LAN). [Read more…]
Create Backups with tartarus
If you have a FTP backup space for your vserver or dedicated server, tartarus is a great tool to create and crypt your backups.
This is my method to backup my Hetzner server
Install tartarus on Debian squeeze: (works on ubuntu too)
[Read more…]